Operation Victory: Providing Homes for Heroes is accepting applications from veterans in need.
Formed as a coalition by the Greater Louisville Central Labor Council, The Housing Partnership, Inc. (HPI), Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs (KDVA), Kentucky Habitat for Humanity, Metro United Way and the Greater Louisville Building & Construction Trades Council, Operation Victory aims to end homelessness among veterans— one house at a time.
The Housing Partnership, Inc. is proud to be one of the coordinating partners. HPI utilizes its resources to secure the single-family homes for quality renovation and works with participants to access downpayment assistance and guide participants through the homeownership process.
If you are or know of a veteran in need, please click to access the application here.
Applications may be emailed to OperationVictoryKY@gmail.com or faxed to 502-564-4036.
To follow the activity of Operation Victory: Providing Homes for Heroes, check out our Facebook page www.facebook.com/thehousingpartnershipinc or the coalition’s Facebook at www.facebook.com/opvictoryKY/ and Twitter @opvictoryky.